2010년 3월 17일 수요일

KB Securities for Kospi DMA on KRX(Korea Exchange)

Are you a market-maker interested in DMA/HFT on Kospi markets in Korea?

KB Securities‘ DMA Service Providers along with IT & Network Experts will help you understand how to approach the world’s most actively traded Kospi200 options,Kospi200 futures and ELWs as well as their underlying equity shares and their single stock futures & options (listed on the KRX) via KB’s Ultra Low-latency DMA platform with a winning edge of several hundred micro-seconds faster than your competitors. 

Since March-2011, KB Securities has also begun providing the brokerage services for non-equity markets such as KTB futuresUSD futuresGold futures, etc.  The equivalent DMA platform is also available for the high-frequency trading of the KTB futures, USD futures and Gold futures. You will find out how KB Securities provides the fastest sponsored access to KRX markets in Yoido, Seoul. 

For more useful details, leave a reply here or kindly send a msg to:

Hana Choi:     hnchoi@kbsec.co.kr  
John Yoon:      jyoon@kbsec.co.kr 
SH Jang:        shjang@kbsec.co.kr  

We will provide further details regarding:
(a) how to test our processing speed from overseas location
(b) where to put your trading servers at our premises (i.e. co-location service)
(c) how to receive real-time price feeds and how fast they are
(d) who would provide financing for your market-making trades
(e) other services/advice for your trading strategy workable in the KRX environment.

KB Securities is the KB Financial Group's sole affiliate of the securities broker-dealer and investment banking business. Its flagship affiliate is Kookmin Bank, Korea's top commercial bank with the largest retail branch network. The KB Financial Group is listed on the NYSE(Visit http://www.nyse.com/about/listed/kb.html for more information.) KB Futures has been merged with KB Securities since March, 2011. (DMA: Direct Market Access, HFT: High Frequency Trading, KRX: Korea Exchange)
Mirror Blog: kbsec4dma.wordpress.com
KB Securities CF: on YouTube / on Vimeo
DMA Service Partner:

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